Monday, November 30, 2009

Hopefully last post before I become a mom

Well, we are approaching 40 weeks on Thursday and the time has finally come to await the arrival of our little girl. Gosh, how many emotions can you really feel at the same time, didn't know it was possible until this week. I'm up/down/backwards/sideways/etc stomach is either braxton hicking, moving around or contracting so hard to tell the difference at this point. Am I ready? I am excited/nervous and mostly scared out of my wits end that something will go wrong. We had a great pregnancy in the fact that all was healthy up to this point, I want to keep it that way and until I hear her breathe for the first time, I will be a ball of nerves then I will want to make sure she is healthy and I know she will be happy.

I realize I cannot predict all of these things so I am just hoping for the best and doing what I can do to stay sane and calm.

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