Saturday, January 8, 2011

13 months

the kid is 13 months today and walking. where does the time go? she is starting to eat a bit better but its been a struggle on my part figuring out what she likes. she loves her whole milk!! Weaning was an adjustment, well mostly it was just a problem in the mornings. Took about 2 weeks for her to get used to not having her breastmilk in the mornings. She was not so into breastfeeding and we are going to try to have another one soon so it was necessary and she does love her milk.

so excited to go on our cruise next month with the family. i am looking forward to it and hopeful that she will be okay and enjoy her trip so mommy and daddy can enjoy there time. being a mom has been such a ride and I am enjoying it more than I could imagined. Life is so grand with my family. I am so fortunate to be a mom and a wife and I have the best family ever. Life is good, what else is there to say

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Been a long time

I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted a blog. My daughter is almost 11 months old and she keeps me so busy and when she's not keeping me busy and I busy with other stuff. She is such a joy to be around. She laughs and finds humor in situations that I would have never come up with. Today we were playing peek a boo with her bowl at dinner. Her first words are att ohhh, because i say this when she drops something, she is so cute when she says it now.

I have breastfed her up until last week when i got the go ahead to give her cow's milk. she loves it and i am still breastfeeding but also giving her milk. she is such a good eater and i am making her food. i love it and my freezer is full of baby food. she's still on pureed foods but we are working on table food.

Relationship is good, hubby is awesome with her and they have daddy/daughter time, especially now that she is having milk and does not need me around her all the time.

In a month she will be 1 year old, just bought her outfit for her party and have started planning her party, wow, hope i get on here again before that happens!

Friday, July 23, 2010


So, we in south florida here are getting our first tropical depression. Weather looks not so good out today. Guess I'm not going walking this morning with the little angel. Speaking of her, she stopped all her reflux medicine yesterday. At one point I didn't think there was hope that she would be okay with her stomach and look at her now. Guess all things pass with time. Look at me, thought I would talk about the weather but I always end up talking about my daughter. I'm so in love with her that its amazing to me. So, stay safe and dry from the storm and lets hope it doesn't upset the gulf oil clean up.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7 months

Can't believe that my daughter is 7 1/2 months now. Wow! I thought time just went before but not really sure where the time has gone. She is the most precious thing that I could imagine. My life is so wonderfully blessed with an amazing husband, wonderful daughter and great parents and brother. Not sure how I got this so lucky in life but I'm not the one to complain about things. The kid keeps me very busy and she has a hetic schedule to keep up with. The most important thing is that she is healthy and happy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm back

Well at least for this post, had the little precious 7 weeks ago and she has been the light of my life, she has grown so much in such a short time. Everyone tells you these things but until you experience it yourself, you cannot imagine the love you can feel for someone else. I love people, especially my husband but our daughter has brought a whole new meaning of love into our lives and words cannot rightly explain how it feels to know that this bundle of joy is ours and she relies on us to take care of her and make sure that she grows the way she is supposed to, whatever that means. Each day is a new experience and I'm loving every second of it.

Friday, December 4, 2009

no such luck

Okay, hopefully this will be the last post before I become a mom. I have had reservations about the whole how will i be as a mom thing, but at this point I am so ready to try because I want her out and with us already. Our little girl is just too comfy in my belly and doesn't seem to want to move so much, oh well, she doesn't know what she is missing. Come out little girl, we love you and can't wait to meet you!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hopefully last post before I become a mom

Well, we are approaching 40 weeks on Thursday and the time has finally come to await the arrival of our little girl. Gosh, how many emotions can you really feel at the same time, didn't know it was possible until this week. I'm up/down/backwards/sideways/etc stomach is either braxton hicking, moving around or contracting so hard to tell the difference at this point. Am I ready? I am excited/nervous and mostly scared out of my wits end that something will go wrong. We had a great pregnancy in the fact that all was healthy up to this point, I want to keep it that way and until I hear her breathe for the first time, I will be a ball of nerves then I will want to make sure she is healthy and I know she will be happy.

I realize I cannot predict all of these things so I am just hoping for the best and doing what I can do to stay sane and calm.