Sunday, December 16, 2007

Moving in

Well, the dinner party went well, especially with it being on the first day that i officially moved in, not so sure about the mom think but it will have to be worked on, so all day yesterday, we looked for closet ideas, and we were at ikea three times, I live in Florida and the ikea just openned up, they have police directing traffic and there is a trolley in case the parking lot is full, well we went to ikea, then went to the sawgras mall, which was so crowded, then went back to ikea, went home measured the closet, then went to his friends house to borrow a pick-up truck, then went back to ikea (yes all in one day)! The best part about this whole experience is that I told my boyfriend it was always a dream to have a walk in custom built closet and he got really excited that he could build a dream of mine, do i have the best guy in the world or what, the closet is being installed now and we will see how it turns out, anyone got any building/moving stories to share?

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